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Mapper XML Specification

Contributor contributes new data tables to Apache Linkis. When writing Mapper XML, the following specifications must be followed for development.

1.Basically follow the specifications

  • In mapper.xml namespace is equal to java interface address
  • The method name in the java interface is the same as the id of the statement in XML
  • The input parameter type of the method in the java interface is the same as the type specified by the parameterType of the statement in XML
  • The return value type of the method in the java interface is the same as the type specified by the resultType of the statement in XML
  • All mysql keywords in XML use lowercase uniformly
  • Abstract SQL fragments for excessive query fields
  • It is recommended to use Integer for the integer return value type, which can distinguish between unassigned and 0 cases. For example, if the return value is determined to be a number, int can be used. Other data types are similar.
  • For placeholders, use #{name} instead of ${name}. Fuzzy query can use CONCAT('%',#{sname},'%')
  • For sql statement writing, no annotation method is used, and it is uniformly written in the XML file

2.Method name specification

Method NameDescriptionCore PointsRecommendations
insertNew dataIf it is an auto-incrementing primary key, it should return the primary key ID
deleteByIdDelete data according to the primary key IDsql adds limit 1 by default to prevent multiple deletion of dataThis method is not recommended, it is recommended to logically delete
updateByIdModify data according to the primary key IDsql adds limit 1 by default to prevent multiple data modification
selectByIdQuery data by primary keyQuery a piece of data
selectByIdForUpdateQuery data according to the primary key lockQuery a piece of data by locking, for transaction processing
queryListByParamQuery data list according to input conditionsMulti-parameter query list
queryCountByParamThe total number of queries based on input conditionsThe number of multi-parameter queries

3.parameterType specification

The java interface must contain @Param, and the XML can not contain parameterType

3.1 basic type

// java interface
User selectUserById(@Param("id") Integer id);
// XML file
<select id="selectUserById" resultType="userMap">
select id, name
from user
where id = #{id}

3.2 Collection type

// java interface
List<User> userListByIds(@Param("ids") List<Integer> ids);
// XML file
<select id="userListByIds" resultMap="userMap">
select id, name
from user
where id in
<foreach collection="ids" separator="," open="(" close=")" item="item">

3.3 Map type

// java interface
User queryByParams(@Param("map") Map<String, Object> parasms);
// XML file
<select id="queryByParams" resultMap="userMap">
select id, name
from user
where id = #{} and name = #{}

3.4 Entity Type

// java interface
User queryByUser(@Param("user") User user);
// XML file
<select id="queryByUser" resultMap="userMap">
select id, name
from user
where id = #{} and name = #{}

3.5 Multiple parameter types

// java interface
User queryByIdAndName(@Param("id") Integer id, @Param("name") String name);
// XML file
<select id="queryByIdAndName" resultMap="userMap">
select id, name
from user
where id = #{id} and name = #{name}

4.XML file writing example

Use spaces and indentation reasonably to enhance readability. Examples of various types of SQL statements are as follows

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="org.apache.linkins.dao.mapper.UserMapper">
-- add a statement
<insert id="insert">
insert into user (id, name)
values ​​(1, 'z3');

-- delete statement
<delete id = "deleteUserByIdAndName">
delete from user
where name = #{name}
and id = #{id}

-- modify the statement
<update id="updateUserById">
update user
set name = #{name}
where id = #{id}

-- Check for phrases
<select id="selectUserByName" resultMap="userMap">
select id, name
from user
where name = 'z3'

-- sql fragment
<sql id="user">
-- Quote
<include refid="user"/>

-- resultMap
<resultMap type="Assets" id="userMap">
<id property="id" column="id" />
<result property="name" column="name" />
-- Quote
<select id="queryListByParam" parameterType="map" resultMap="userMap">

-- conditional judgment
<if test="name != null and name != ''">
name = #{name}

-- sub query
<select id="selectUserByTeacherIdAndName" resultMap="userMap">
from user u
where in (
from teacher t
where = 1
and = 'z3'
and = 2