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Swagger Annotation

1. Scope of swagger annotations

APIScopeWhere to use
@ApiProtocol set descriptionUsed on the controller class
@ApiOperationProtocol descriptionUsed in controller methods
@ApiImplicitParamsNon-object parameter setUsed in controller methods
@ApiImplicitParamNon-object parameter descriptionUsed in methods of @ApiImplicitParams
@ApiResponsesResponse setUsed in the controller's method
@ApiResponseResponseUsed in @ApiResponses
@ApiModelDescribe the meaning of the returned objectUsed in the returned object class
@ApiModelPropertyObject propertyUsed on the fields of the parameter object
@ApiParamProtocol descriptionUsed on methods, parameters, fields of classes

2. @Api

Use the location to use on the class to describe the request class. Identifies a Controller class is the Swagger document class.

2.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
valueString""Description, meaningless.
basePathString""Base Path
protocolsStringintRequest Protocol
authorizationsAuthorization[]@Authorization(value = "")Configuration for advanced feature authentication
hiddenbooleanfalseIs it hidden (not displayed, the default is false)

2.2 The difference between attribute value and tags

The value attribute is used to describe both the role of the class and the role of the method;

The tags attribute is used for grouping both on classes and methods, but the effect of grouping is very different:

When tags act on a class, the global methods are grouped, that is, multiple copies are made according to the tags attribute value. At this time, the tags value on the method is invalid, and the effect of matching or not matching the tags on the method is the same.

When tags act on a method, they will be grouped according to the tags values ​​of all methods of the current class, with a finer granularity.

2.3 How to use

Note: The difference between java and scala in @Api annotation
@Api(tags = "Swagger test related interface")

@Api(tags = Array("Swagger test related interface"))

3. @ApiOperation

Used in methods, to describe the request method.

3.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
notesString""Detailed description
responseClass<?>Void.classResponse parameter type
responseReferenceString[]""Specifies a reference to the response type, local/remote reference, and will override any other specified response() class
httpMethodString""http request method, such as: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTION, SPATCH
hiddenbooleanfalsewhether hidden (not displayed) defaults to false
codeint200http status code
extensionsExtension[]@Extension(properties = @ExtensionProperty(name = "", value = "")Extension Properties

3.2 How to use

@ApiOperation(value = "test1 interface", notes = "test1 interface detailed description")
public ApiResult<String> test1(@RequestParam String aa, @RequestParam String bb, @RequestParam String cc) {
return ApiUtil.success("success");

4. @ApiImplicitParams

Commonly used in methods to describe the request parameter list. The value attribute can contain multiple @ApiImplicitParam, and describe each participant in detail.

4.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description

5. @ApiImplicitParams

Used in methods to describe request parameters. When multiple parameters need to be described, it is used as a property of @ApiImplicitParams.

5.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
nameString""Parameter Description
defaultValueString""default value
allowableValuesString""Parameter allowable values
requiredbooleanfalseRequired, default false
accessString""Parameter Filter
allowMultiplebooleanfalseWhether the parameter can accept multiple values ​​by appearing multiple times, the default is not allowed
dataTypeString""The data type of the parameter, which can be a class name or a primitive data type
dataTypeClassClass<?>Void.classThe data type of the parameter, overriding dataType
paramTypeString""Parameter type, valid values ​​are path, query, body, header, form
exampleString""Parameter example of non-body type
examplesExample@Example(value = @ExampleProperty(mediaType = "", value = ""))Parameter example of body type
typeString""Add functionality to override detected types
formatString""Add the function to provide custom format format
readOnlybooleanfalseAdds features designated as read-only

5.2 How to use

@ApiOperation(value = "test1 interface", notes = "test1 interface detailed description")
@ApiImplicitParams(value = {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "aa",value = "aa description",defaultValue = "1",allowableValues ​​= "1,2,3",required = true),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "bb",value = "bb description",defaultValue = "1",allowableValues ​​= "1,2,3",required = true),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "cc",value = "Description of cc",defaultValue = "2",allowableValues ​​= "1,2,3",required = true),


6. @ApiParam

Used in fields of methods, parameters, and classes to describe request parameters.

6.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
nameString""Parameter Description
defaultValueString""default value
allowableValuesString""Parameter allowable values
requiredbooleanfalseRequired, default false
accessString""Parameter Filter
allowMultiplebooleanfalseWhether the parameter can accept multiple values ​​by appearing multiple times, the default is not allowed
dataTypeString""The data type of the parameter, which can be a class name or a primitive data type
dataTypeClassClass<?>Void.classThe data type of the parameter, overriding dataType
paramTypeString""Parameter type, valid values ​​are path, query, body, header, form
exampleString""Parameter example of non-body type
examplesExample@Example(value = @ExampleProperty(mediaType = "", value = ""))Parameter example of body type
typeString""Add functionality to override detected types
formatString""Add the function to provide custom format format
readOnlybooleanfalseAdds features designated as read-only

6.2 How to use

@ApiOperation(value = "test2 interface", notes = "test2 interface detailed description")
public ApiResult<TestRes> test2(@ApiParam(value = "aa description") @RequestParam String aa, @ApiParam(value = "bb description") @RequestParam String bb) {
return ApiUtil.success(new TestRes());

7. @ApiModel

Used in classes to describe requests, response classes, and entity classes.

7.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
valueString""is an alternative name to provide the model, by default, the class name is used
descriptionString""Class description
parentClass<?> parentVoid.classProvides a parent class for the model to allow describing inheritance relationships
discriminatoryString""Supports model inheritance and polymorphism, using the name of the discriminator's field, you can assert which subtype to use
subTypesbooleanfalseRequired, default false
accessClass<?> parentVoid.classArray of subtypes inherited from this model
referencebooleanfalseSpecifies a reference to the corresponding type definition, overriding any other metadata specified

8 @ApiModelProperty

Used in classes to describe requests, response classes, and entity classes.

8.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
valueString""Attribute Description
nameString""Override property name
allowableValuesString""Parameter allowable values
accessString""Filter Attribute
requiredbooleanfalseRequired, default false
dataTypeString""The data type of the parameter, which can be a class name or a primitive data type
readOnlyString""Add functionality designated as read-only
referenceString""Specifies a reference to the corresponding type definition, overriding any other metadata specified
allowEmptyValuebooleanfalseAllow empty values
exampleString""Example value for attribute

8.2 How to use

Note: The difference between java and scala in the use of @ApiModelProperty annotation
*java entity class
@ApiModel(description = "Test request class")
public class TestReq {

@ApiModelProperty(value = "User ID",required = true)
private Long userId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "Username", example = "Zhang San")

*scala entity class
@ApiModel(description = "Test response class")
public class TestRes {
@(ApiModelProperty @field)("User ID")
private Long userId;
@(ApiModelProperty @field)("Username")

9. @ApiResponses

Used on methods and classes to describe the response status code list.

9.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
valueApiResponse[]""Description of response status code list

10. @ApiResponse

Used in the method to describe the response status code. Generally used as a property of @ApiResponses.

10.1 Attributes of annotations

Property NameProperty TypeProperty Default ValueProperty Description
codeint""Response HTTP Status Code
messageString""Description of the response
responseClass<?>Void.classAn optional response class used to describe the message payload, corresponding to the schema field of the response message object
referenceString""Specifies a reference to the response type, the specified application can make a local reference, or a remote reference, will be used as is, and will override any specified response() class
responseHeadersResponseHeader[]@ResponseHeader(name = "", response = Void.class)List of possible response headers
responseContainerString""Declare the container of the response, valid values ​​are List, Set, Map, any other value will be ignored

10.2 How to use

@ApiOperation(value = "test2 interface", notes = "test2 interface detailed description")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Request successful", responseHeaders = {@ResponseHeader(name = "header1", description = "description of header1",response = String.class)}),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "No permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Access forbidden")
public ApiResult<TestRes> test2(@ApiParam(value = "aa description") @RequestParam String aa, @ApiParam(value = "bb description") @RequestParam String bb) {
return ApiUtil.success(new TestRes());