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Version: 1.3.2

Load UDF by UDF ID

1. Background

In some scenarios, UDF is not loaded through visual interfaces such as Scripts and DSS, but through code. This needs to provide the function of loading UDF by UDF ID.

2. Instructions for use

Parameter Description:

parameter namedescriptiondefault value
linkis.user.udf.all.loadWhether to load all UDFs selected by the usertrue
linkis.user.udf.custom.idsUDF ID list, separated by ,-

Submit the task through RestFul, the request example is as follows.

POST /api/rest_j/v1/entrance/submit
Content-Type: application/json
Token-Code: dss-AUTH
Token-User: linked

"executionContent": {
"code": "show databases",
"runType": "sql"
"params": {
"configuration": {
"startup": {
"linkis.user.udf.all.load": false
"linkis.user.udf.custom.ids": "1,2,3"
"labels": {
"engineType": "spark-2.4.3", // pattern:engineType-version
"userCreator": "linkis-IDE" // userCreator: linkis is username。IDE is system that be configed in Linkis。

3. Precautions

  1. When linkis.user.udf.all.load specifies true, the linkis.user.udf.custom.ids parameter does not take effect

  2. This function is independent of the loading of /udf/isload?udfId=123&isLoad=true interface